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Aaron G. | 1147

San Andreas Highway Patrol
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Everything posted by Aaron G. | 1147

  1. With all the PC issues i've had recently, I am still Committed to this community, No...This Family! This is by far the best community I've found through friends. Honestly, This is the longest time I've stayed with 1 community, And here I am to Stay! Sure we'll have bad days and good days, But let this be known to everyone, You are never alone, If you feel you need to talk to someone about somethings that is bothering you, Remember the community has an Open Door Policy, Don't be afraid to reach out to members of your Department, Admins, even HA. We're all here to support each other! That's what makes us a community and Family, Watching each others back!


  2. After spending an entire year and 1 month with MidwestRP. I've called this place my official home. Making lots of friends and helping others to the best of my ability.

  3. Loving the life with MidwestRP and within the San Andreas Highway Patrol. Hoping to Reapply for CIV Reserve once 30 days are up. If not. Then i'll see about Reapplying for SAFR Volunteer.

  4. I cannot wait to apply for Media!


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