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Ben H. | 5D-19

San Andreas Highway Patrol
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Ben H. | 5D-19 last won the day on May 1 2023

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About Ben H. | 5D-19

  • Birthday 08/13/2005

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  1. Hey, I was curious on a question I have. Now I love this server a lot. And I've left a few times because of people and never stuck with my gut. Now since of that if I join I'm on my last straw I was told even if I properly resign I will be banned. And I don't I want to change of of that. Now I know it's hard possibly to get this second chance but I am asking if their is a way that my past actions would they stay as of leaving and joining. It has been really hard thru those times and I would love to talk 1 on 1 about this situation. 

    I hope this message is well, 

    Thank you sincerely,

    Ben H. 

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